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Houseplant Aerobics?!?!

My boss at the C.I.A. (that's the Cleveland Institute of Art, where I used to work
as a nude model) sent this Spathiphyllum floribundum to my room when I was
in the hospital with gastrointestinal bleeding in 2003.

Somewhere, I got the incorrect notion that to care for them, you're supposed to let the
leaves get all droopy before you water them, at which point they spring back to life.
Well, I thought that would make a cool animation, so I set up my digital camera and took
nine or ten shots of it as the leaves stiffened up, then wove them together into a .gif
animation and named it "Houseplant Aerobics."

(I've long since abandoned the practice of letting them wilt, and I've cloned the one
seen here into three separate plants, which are getting so large they're squeezing me
out of my apartment)

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